
Living Your Best Healthy Life After Retirement

It’s pretty common that most of us are eagerly looking forward to retirement. Who wants to worry about deadlines, timelines, reports, paycheques, meetings, tasks, etc.? Being retired means you’ll wake up in the morning free of a schedule, and you can just sip your coffee in peace, look outside your garden, enjoy the view, and live a carefree and worry-free day. Sounds like paradise? We think so too! 

Here’s our take . . .

There is no exact formula to happiness, but you can definitely spend your retired days physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Many retirees who shift from having a packed calendar to an empty one often find themselves anxious and with very low energy. This is why it’s important to prioritise having the right health care provider and aged care facilities in Gold Coast to keep you strong and living life to the fullest. Below are our favourite tips for a happy, healthy retirement: 

  • Live in an appropriate facility that looks after you and your needs. Life is too short to live alone or to spend your remaining years all cooped up at your house. It’s definitely a better option for you if you move to an aged care facility that will have caregivers, structured recreational activities, medical care, and an overall improved quality of life for those who are aged sixty and above. 
  • Give your loved ones a respite. Caregiver duties are certainly exhausting, so why not rest easy knowing that your grown kids are free from worrying or caring about your daily needs. This is a great option for families who want to look after grandma or grandpa but need period relief from the responsibilities of taking care of old and ill people. 
  • Keep on socialising with people of the same age. One of the anxieties of going into retirement is the notion that your social circle might become drastically smaller. While it’s admittedly difficult to maintain your social life when you’re retired, it’s definitely easier when you’re at an aged care residence because there will be other residents whom you can interact with, be friends with, and essentially build lasting relationships with. Nurture these kinds of relationships aside from your family and friends, and you’ll definitely find yourself in a better mental state. 
  • Focus on having excellent nutrition. The nutritional needs of your body changes as you grow older and even more so when you hit the age of sixty and up. Just an example is your bone density, it significantly lowers when you’re sixty five compared to when you were just forty or even forty five. This means it’s essential for your diet to have vitamin D and calcium to have optimum bone health. Your diet should also include more fibrous foods and meals low in potassium to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and all the dangers that go with it. 

If you’d like to know more about in home aged care make sure you visit Let’s Get Care.

Retirement is easy enough. All you have to do is file the necessary papers at your employment and cash in the retirement fund you’ve been working hard to save all your life. Remember to keep yourself living well, healthy, and happy to make the best of the years that you have left.

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