
Achieve Rapid Weight Loss

GM Diet Plan: Gaining weight is quite easy if you sit all day long and play Bizzo Casino. So,  losing weight can become a headache for you. Millions of people are facing unhealthy and excess fat on their bodies and seeking successful ways to lose it.

You can find hundreds of websites and blogs on the internet full of weight loss tips and methods. Exercise is also helpful, but that is not enough. Your body needs detoxification and deep cleansing therapy that helps to flush out all those poisonous factors from your body.

As we all know, whatever we eat in our daily lives affects our bodies. Wrong eating habits and poor lifestyles can spoil your physical structure and pull you toward weight gain.

Though there are plenty of supplements and products available in the market, a well-structured diet plan can totally change your life.

Here we are going to mention the GM Diet Plan, so one can lose 5 kilograms in just 7 days. We must tell you that the 7-Day Diet Plan to Lose 5 kg is not a new phenomenon; it is a popular term that helps to reduce weight naturally and easily. So let’s take a closer look at this step by step:

Day First:

Start your day with one glass of water and be prepared for the fruit diet for the whole day. You have to eat the fruits of your choice except for bananas. You can eat papaya, apples, and strawberries, and there are many options available for you.

Try to drink plenty of water that will keep you hydrated and help to flush out all the toxins from your body.

Make sure that only eat fruits; avoid even raw or boiled veggies on this day. Eat fruits as much as you can. There is no limit.

Day Second:

Now the second day will be called a vegetable day. Start your day with 1 or 2 glasses of water, then take a freshly boiled potato in your breakfast. On this day, eat healthy veggies; do not fry them, and do not add extra oil.

Eat boiled vegetables; there are also a number of options available, like French beans, spinach, cabbage, carrots, etc. Boil them and add some salt and black pepper according to taste. Eat them whenever you feel hungry.

One can also have vegetable soup at night. Also, drink plenty of water, which will help you to detoxify your body.

Day Third:

Day three is fully dedicated to fruits and vegetables. You can eat both on this day. Start your day with some fresh fruits and then take boiled veggies in your lunch.

Avoid bananas and potatoes on this day. Do not eat an extra snack or do not experiment with your meal. Follow the diet strictly if you heartily want to lose weight.

Day Fourth:

Now you have to concentrate on bananas and milk on this day. Maybe you will wonder to know that if you are on the way to losing weight, then how you can consume bananas and milk?

But on the 4th day, start your day with one or two bananas. You can also drink a banana shake. Do not add extra sugar because ripe bananas are naturally sweet, so you need not add extra sugar.

You can also add cardamom to your milkshake to enhance taste, and cardamom is also good for digestion. Bananas are rich in potassium, so you won’t feel any hunger on this day.

Day Fifth:

The fifth day is the day to eat some solid and healthy food. Start your morning with boiled kidney beans and fresh tomatoes.

Do not forget to drink water and always remember that after drinking water, avoid eating for 15 to 20 minutes.

Add some pepper and salt to boiled kidney beans. You can also sprinkle some oregano for extra taste and odor. After 1 or 2 hours, whenever you feel hungry, eat some fresh curd or tofu.

In the evening, you can take some fresh salad. You can also add soya chunks, but it is optional. At dinner time, you can have vegetable soup with some salad. Drink two glasses of water as well after some time.

Day Sixth:

On this day, you can have boiled or steamed rice with some boiled veggies. Do not add vegetable oil or other oil. Try to make this comfort food.

You can eat rice at lunchtime and boiled beans or fresh fruits for breakfast. In the evening, have some salad or cabbage soup with some peas and black pepper.

At dinner time, take a bowl of veggies with some cottage cheese. And after some time, drink plenty of water.

Day Seventh:

This is the last day of the GM Diet Plan and you will see that you have lost much weight this week. Now on the 7th day, start your morning with fresh watermelon and a glass of water.

At brunch time, you can take boiled veggies of your choice or berries like strawberries, raspberries, etc. At lunch, eat a bowl of steamed brown rice with some veggies or just like that.

And in the evening, eat some fruit like guava or apple, and finish your day with some soup or salad. Try to avoid excess sugar and salt during the GM Diet Plan.


This diet plan is one of the effective ways to lose weight, and number of people try this, and they are satisfied with the stunning results.

If you are a food lover, then you have to start this with strong dedication. If you are obese, then you can continue with the diet plan for some more days.

We will suggest that before starting the 7-Day Diet Plan to Lose 5 kg, consult an expert. If you are pregnant or sick, then do not perform this or take expert advice. We hope that this article will help you to reduce weight naturally.

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