What’s In a Router? Here’s Why CNC Accessories Matter

Computer Numerical Control machines (CNCs) are impressive pieces of equipment, the workhorse of production lines in countless industries. While they’ve been around since the 1970s, modern ones have vast improvements and countless accessories which change how they can be used.
Just like power drills are used for different applications depending on the drill bit, CNC routers change how this equipment is used. Please read on to learn more about CNC routers.
Router Bit Design
First, let’s consider the basics of router bit design. Naturally, the size of the router bit determines the width of its cut, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Router bits can come in specific shapes, like dovetails, which are perfect for joining two pieces of wood. Similarly, keyhole router bits or glue joint router bits create different ways to bond wood.
There are router bits meant for specific uses, from wainscotting for walls to luthiers building guitars. Factors like the fluting of a router bit also impact how it cuts and how the bit can remove material away from the points of impact.
The router’s shape, size, and material impact what it can do.
Door-making CNC Router Bits
Have you ever admired the ornamental carvings on the doors in houses or on wood cupboards and wondered how companies produce such furniture in bulk? Often, the answer is with specific CNC router bits.
There are CNC router bits for boring holes in materials, but they also perform precise shaping and cuts that look like they were made by an artisan. The ridges and carvings would be nearly impossible to create by hand on the scale businesses need. With a CNC machine, it takes moments.
Companies that manufacture doors and furniture need specific CNC routers designed to amp up production without suffering a drop in quality when carving the beautiful edgework.
Steel Router Bits
Leading CNC machine suppliers also carry router bits that are used with carbide, steel, plastic, and composite materials. Ultimately, there is always a bit or accessory that can cut, puncture, shape, or engrave whatever material, however you need.
They come in different lengths, and the shape or pattern of the spirals or the space between the teeth, also changes the work speed and impacts the finish. Some router bits have more spirals or flutes, which lets them work into the material faster and on harder material.
However, sometimes having fewer flutes is advantageous. “Chip clearance” refers to the rate at which material being chipped away gets removed from the surface. The more flutes there are, the lower the chip clearance, adding heat that can damage the router bit and even cause burning. Like when buying a CNC machine, it’s important to consult an expert when purchasing router bits to ensure your needs are met.
Router bits are to CNC machines what tires are to cars — they’re what make the direct contact between the machine and the surface. Getting the right router bit unleashes your CNC machine’s full potential, so make the decision carefully.